Source code for blocks.filesystem

import fnmatch
import os
import glob
import logging
import subprocess
import tempfile
import atexit
import shutil
import time
import wrapt
import requests
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from six import add_metaclass, PY3, string_types
from io import BytesIO, TextIOWrapper
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from import storage

DataFile = namedtuple('DataFile', ['path', 'handle'])

def _retry_with_backoff(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    trial = 0
    while True:
        wait = 2**(trial+2)  # 4s up to 128s
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
        except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError):
            if trial == 6:
  '{} failed to connect, retrying after {}s'.format(wrapped.__name__, wait))
            trial += 1

[docs]@add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class FileSystem(object): """ The required interface for any filesystem implementation See GCSFileSystem for a full implementation. This FileSystem is intended to be extendable to support cloud file systems, encryption strategies, etc... """
[docs] @abstractmethod def ls(self, path): """ List files correspond to path, including glob wildcards Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the file or directory to list; supports wildcards """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def access(self, paths): """ Access multiple paths as file-like objects This allows for optimization like parallel downloads Parameters ---------- paths: list of str The paths of the files to access Returns ------- files: list of DataFile A list of datafile instances, one for each input path """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def store(self, bucket, files): """ Store multiple data objects This allows for optimizations when storing several files Parameters ---------- bucket : str The GCS bucket to use to store the files files : list of str The file names to store Returns ------- datafiles : contextmanager A contextmanager that will yield datafiles and place them on the filesystem when finished """ pass
[docs]class GCSFileSystem(FileSystem): """ File system interface that supports both local and GCS files This implementation uses subprocess and gsutil, which has excellent performance. However this can lead to problems in very multi-threaded applications and might not be as portable. For a python native implementation use GCSNativeFileSystem """ GCS = 'gs://' def __init__(self, parallel=True, quiet=True): flags = [] if parallel: flags.append('-m') if quiet: flags.append('-q') self.gcscp = ['gsutil'] + flags + ['cp']
[docs] def local(self, path): """ Check if the path is available as a local file """ return not path.startswith(self.GCS)
[docs] def ls(self, path): """ List files correspond to path, including glob wildcards Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the file or directory to list; supports wildcards """'Globbing file content in {}'.format(path)) if not self.local(path): with open(os.devnull, 'w') as DEVNULL: p = subprocess.Popen( ['gsutil', 'ls', path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True, ) stdout = p.communicate()[0] output = [line for line in stdout.split('\n') if line and line[-1] != ':'] elif '**' in path: # Manual recursive glob, since in 2.X glob doesn't have recursive support path = path.rstrip('*') output = [] for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(path): for fname in files: output.append(os.path.join(root, fname)) elif os.path.isdir(path): output = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)] else: output = glob.glob(path) return sorted(p.rstrip('/') for p in output)
[docs] def rm(self, paths, recursive=False): """ Remove the files at paths Parameters ---------- paths : list of str The paths to remove recursive : bool, default False If true, recursively remove any directories """ if isinstance(paths, string_types): paths = [paths] if any(not self.local(p) for p in paths): # at least one location is on GCS cmd = ['gsutil', '-m', 'rm'] else: cmd = ['rm'] if recursive: cmd.append('-r') CHUNK_SIZE = 1000 paths_chunks = [paths[x:x+CHUNK_SIZE] for x in range(0, len(paths), CHUNK_SIZE)] for paths in paths_chunks: subprocess.check_call(cmd + paths)
[docs] def cp(self, sources, dest, recursive=False): """ Copy the files in sources to dest Parameters ---------- sources : list of str The list of paths to copy dest : str The destination for the copy of source(s) recursive : bool If true, recursively copy any directories """ if isinstance(sources, string_types): sources = [sources] summary = ', '.join(sources)'Copying {} to {}...'.format(summary, dest)) if any(self.GCS in x for x in sources + [dest]): # at least one location is on GCS cmd = self.gcscp else: cmd = ['cp'] if recursive: cmd.append('-r') CHUNK_SIZE = 1000 sources_chunks = [sources[x:x+CHUNK_SIZE] for x in range(0, len(sources), CHUNK_SIZE)] for sources in sources_chunks: subprocess.check_call(cmd + sources + [dest])
[docs] @contextmanager def open(self, path, mode='rb'): """ Access path as a file-like object Parameters ---------- path: str The path of the file to access mode: str The file mode for the opened file Returns ------- file: file A python file opened to the provided path (uses a local temporary copy that is removed) """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as nf: if mode.startswith('r'): self.cp(path, with open(, mode) as f: yield f if mode.startswith('w'): self.cp(, path)
[docs] def access(self, paths): """ Access multiple paths as file-like objects This allows for optimization like parallel downloads Parameters ---------- paths: list of str The paths of the files to access Returns ------- files: list of DataFile A list of datafile instances, one for each input path """ # Move the files into a tempdir from GCS tmpdir = _session_tempdir() self.cp(paths, tmpdir, recursive=True) # Then get file handles for each datafiles = [] for path in paths: local = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(path)) datafiles.append(DataFile(path, open(local, 'rb'))) return datafiles
[docs] @contextmanager def store(self, bucket, files): """ Create file stores that will be written to the filesystem on close This allows for optimizations when storing several files Parameters ---------- bucket : str The path of the bucket (on GCS) or folder (local) to store the data in files : list of str The filenames to create Returns ------- datafiles : contextmanager A context manager that yields datafiles and when the context is closed they are written to GCS Usage ----- >>> with'gs://bucket/sub/', ['ex1.txt', 'ex2.txt']) as datafiles: >>> datafiles[0].handle.write('example 1') >>> datafiles[1].handle.write('example 2') """ # Make local files in a tempdir that serve as the file handles tmpdir = _session_tempdir() datafiles = [] local_files = [] for f in files: local = os.path.join(tmpdir, f) local_files.append(local) datafiles.append(DataFile(os.path.join(bucket, f), open(local, 'wb'))) yield datafiles for d in datafiles: d.handle.close() if self.local(bucket) and not os.path.exists(bucket): os.makedirs(bucket) self.cp(local_files, os.path.join(bucket, ''), recursive=True)
[docs]class GCSNativeFileSystem(GCSFileSystem): """ File system interface that supports GCS and local files This uses the native python cloud storage library for read and write, rather than gsutil. The performance is significantly slower when doing any operations over several files (especially copy), but is thread-safe for applications which are already parallelized. It stores the files entirely in memory rather than using tempfiles. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._client = None super(GCSNativeFileSystem, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def client(self): # Load client only when needed, so that this can be used for local paths without connecting if self._client is None: self._client = storage.Client() return self._client
[docs] def ls(self, path): """ List all files at the specified path, supports globbing """'Globbing file content in {}'.format(path)) # use GCSFileSystem's implementation for local paths if self.local(path): return super(GCSNativeFileSystem, self).ls(path) # find all names that start with the prefix for this path bucket, path = self._split(path) prefix = self._prefix(path) if prefix == path: # no pattern matching iterator = self._list_blobs(bucket, prefix=prefix, delimiter='/') names = [ for b in iterator] names += iterator.prefixes # if we ran ls('gs://bucket/dir') we need to rerun with '/' to get the content if names == [os.path.join(path, '')]: return'gs://' + bucket, path, '')) else: # we have a pattern to match names = [ for b in self._list_blobs(bucket, prefix=prefix)] # for recursive glob, do not attempt to match folders, only files if '**' in path: names = fnmatch.filter(names, path) else: # make sure we can match folders in addition to blobs candidates = set(names) | set(self._list_single(prefix, names)) names = fnmatch.filter(candidates, path) # one more filter because fnmatch recurses single * names = [name for name in names if name.count('/') == path.count('/')] paths = ['gs://{}/{}'.format(bucket, name) for name in names] return sorted(p.rstrip('/') for p in paths)
[docs] def is_dir(self, path): # Check if a path is a directory, locally or on GCS if self.local(path): return os.path.isdir(path) elif path.endswith('/'): return True else: return != [path]
[docs] def copy_single(self, source, dest): local_source = self.local(source) local_dest = self.local(dest) if local_source and local_dest: shutil.copy(source, dest) if not local_source and local_dest: if os.path.isdir(dest): dest = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(source)) self._blob(source).download_to_filename(dest) if local_source and not local_dest: if dest.endswith('/'): dest = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(source)) self._blob(dest).upload_from_filename(source) if not local_source and not local_dest: if dest.endswith('/'): dest = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(source)) self._transfer(source, dest)
[docs] def cp(self, sources, dest, recursive=False): """ Copy the files in sources (recursively) to dest Parameters ---------- sources : list of str The list of paths to copy, which can be directories dest : str The destination for the copy of source(s) recursive : bool, default False If true, recursively copy directories """ if isinstance(sources, string_types): sources = [sources] for source in sources: if recursive and self.is_dir(source): # Note: if source ends with a '/', this copies the content into dest # and if source does not, this copies the whole directory into dest # this is the same behavior as copy subsource = [s.rstrip('/') for s in] subdest = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(source), '') if self.local(subdest) and not os.path.exists(subdest): os.makedirs(subdest) self.cp(subsource, subdest, recursive=True) else: self.copy_single(source, dest)
[docs] def rm_single(self, path): if self.local(path): os.remove(path) else: self._blob(path).delete()
[docs] def rm(self, paths, recursive=False): """ Remove the files at paths Parameters ---------- paths : list of str The paths to remove recursive : bool, default False If true, recursively remove any directories """ if isinstance(paths, string_types): paths = [paths] for path in paths: if recursive and self.is_dir(path) and not self.local(path): self.rm(, recursive=True) elif recursive and self.is_dir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: self.rm_single(path)
[docs] @contextmanager def open(self, path, mode='rb'): """ Access paths as a file-like object Parameters ---------- path: str The path of the file to access mode: str The file mode for the opened file Returns ------- file: BytesIO A BytesIO handle for the specified path, works like a file object """ datafile = DataFile(path, BytesIO()) if mode.startswith('r'): self._read(datafile) if not mode.endswith('b') and PY3: handle = TextIOWrapper(datafile.handle) else: handle = datafile.handle yield handle if mode.startswith('w'): self._write(datafile) datafile.handle.close()
[docs] def access(self, paths): """ Access multiple paths as file-like objects This allows for optimization like parallel downloads. To help track which files came from which objects, this returns instances of Datafile Parameters ---------- paths: list of str The paths of the files to access Returns ------- files: list of DataFile A list of datafile instances, one for each input path """ datafiles = [] for path in paths: datafiles.append(DataFile(path, BytesIO())) for datafile in datafiles: self._read(datafile) return datafiles
[docs] @contextmanager def store(self, bucket, files): """ Create file stores that will be written to the filesystem on close This allows for optimizations when storing several files Parameters ---------- bucket : str The path of the bucket (on GCS) or folder (local) to store the data in files : list of str The filenames to create Returns ------- datafiles : contextmanager A context manager that yields datafiles and when the context is closed they are written to GCS Usage ----- >>> with'gs://bucket/sub/', ['ex1.txt', 'ex2.txt']) as datafiles: >>> datafiles[0].handle.write('example 1') >>> datafiles[1].handle.write('example 2') """ # Make BytesIO instances that serve as the file handles datafiles = [] for f in files: datafiles.append(DataFile(os.path.join(bucket, f), BytesIO())) yield datafiles for d in datafiles: self._write(d)
def _prefix(self, path): # find the lowest prefix that doesn't include a pattern match splits = path.split('/') accumulate = [] while splits: sub = splits.pop(0) if any(x in sub for x in ['*', '?', '[', ']']): break accumulate.append(sub) return '/'.join(accumulate) if accumulate else None def _list_single(self, prefix, names): # find files that are directly in the dir specified by prefix, not in subfolders valid = set(n.replace(prefix, '').lstrip('/').split('/')[0] for n in names) return [os.path.join(prefix, n) for n in valid] def _split(self, path): bucket = path.replace(self.GCS, '').split('/')[0] prefix = "gs://{}".format(bucket) path = path[len(prefix) + 1:] return bucket, path @_retry_with_backoff def _list_blobs(self, bucket, prefix=None, delimiter=None): return self.client().get_bucket(bucket).list_blobs(prefix=prefix, delimiter=delimiter) @_retry_with_backoff def _blob(self, path): bucket, path = self._split(path) return storage.Blob(path, self.client().get_bucket(bucket)) @_retry_with_backoff def _transfer(self, path1, path2): bucket1, path1 = self._split(path1) bucket2, path2 = self._split(path2) source_bucket = self.client().get_bucket(bucket1) source_blob = source_bucket.blob(path1) destination_bucket = self.client().get_bucket(bucket2) source_bucket.copy_blob(source_blob, destination_bucket, path2) @_retry_with_backoff def _read(self, datafile): if self.local(datafile.path): with open(datafile.path, 'rb') as f: datafile.handle.write( else: self._blob(datafile.path).download_to_file(datafile.handle) @_retry_with_backoff def _write(self, datafile): if self.local(datafile.path): dirname = os.path.dirname(datafile.path) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(datafile.path, 'wb') as f: f.write( else: self._blob(datafile.path).upload_from_file(datafile.handle)
def _session_tempdir(): """ Create a tempdir that will be cleaned up at session exit """ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # create and use a subdir of specified name to preserve cgroup logic atexit.register(lambda: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)) return tmpdir