
Inspect Data

You can use assemble to grab a small subset of your data

import blocks

df = blocks.assemble('data/*/part_00.pq')

This works great when dealing with data staged on GCS

import blocks

df = blocks.assemble('gs://bucket/*/part_00.pq')

Large Datasets

It’s common to end up with a dataset that won’t easily fit into memory. But you often still need to calculate aggregate statistics on that data. For example, you might need to get a unique list of categories in one of your fields.

Iterate makes this easy:

import blocks

uniques = set()
for _, _, block in blocks.iterate('data/'):
    uniques |= set(block['feature'])

or maybe you want to parallelize the process

import blocks
from multiprocessing import Pool

def unique_f1(block):
    return set(block[-1]['feature'])

uniques_per_block = Pool(4).map(unique_f1, blocks.iterate('data/'))
uniques = reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, uniques_per_block)

And if you have dask installed the parallelization is even easier

import blocks

uniques = blocks.partitioned('data')['feature'].unique().compute()

Batch Training

If you’re working with a tool like Keras, you might want to train a model on an iterator of batches without every loading more than one partition into memory:

import blocks

def batch_generator(path):
    for _, df in blocks.iterate(path, axis=0):
        while df.shape[0] >= nbatch:
            # Grab a sample and drop from original
            sub = df.sample(nbatch)
            df.drop(sub.index, inplace=True)
            yield sub.values


If you use an efficient file format like parquet, this simple code will be suprisingly fast. You should make sure that you don’t use multiple cgroups in a situation like this, however, because merging can slow down the process.


If you end up with a dataset with multiple column groups, say because you grabbed your data from multiple sources, you may want to merge accross those groups. However it is expensive to do this by loading the whole dataset into memory. If you use the blocks structure you can merge each row partition separately and then save to new files. You can even subdivide those files into smaller row groups to ensure that they don’t grow too large:

import blocks

offset = 0
for _, df in blocks.iterate(path, axis=0):
    blocks.divide(df, 'combined/', n_rgroup=10, rgroup_offset=offset)
    rgroup_offset += 10


Blocks provide a default filesystem that supports local files and GCS files. If you need additional functionality, you can create a custom filesystem instance:

import blocks
from blocks.filesystem import GCSFileSystem

fs = GCSFileSystem()
df = blocks.assemble('gs://bucket/data/', filesystem=fs)

The default filesystem has support for GCS, and you can implement your own FileSystem class by inheriting from blocks.filesystem.FileSystem. This can be used to extend blocks to additional cloud platforms, to support encryption/decryption, etc…