

In the simplest case, you might want to read your data from a single file. This is pretty easy in pandas, but blocks adds additional support for inferring file types and support cloud storage:

import pandas as pd
import blocks
df = blocks.assemble('data.pkl') # same as pd.read_pickle
df = blocks.assemble('gs://mybucket/data.parquet')

Many projects need to combine data stored in several files. To support this, blocks makes a few assumptions about your data. You’ve split it up into blocks, either into groups of columns (cgroups) or groups of rows (rgroups). You can read all this data into a single dataframe in memory with one command:

import blocks

If all of your files are in one directory, then the rows will be concatenated:

├── part.00.pq
├── part.01.pq
└── part.02.pq

If your files actually contain the same rows but store different columns, you should place them in different folders with corresponding names:

├── g0
│   └── part.00.pq
├── g1
│   └── part.00.pq
└── g2
    └── part.00.pq

In the most general case you can do both, laying out your data in multiple cgroups and rgroups - where each rgroup should contain the same logical rows (e.g. different attributes of the same event)

─ data
  ├── g0
  │   ├── part.00.pq
  │   ├── part.01.pq
  │   ├── part.02.pq
  │   └── part.03.pq
  ├── g1
  │   ├── part.00.pq
  │   ├── part.01.pq
  │   ├── part.02.pq
  │   └── part.03.pq
  ├── g2
  │   ├── part.00.pq
  │   ├── part.01.pq
  │   ├── part.02.pq
  │   └── part.03.pq
  └── g3
      ├── part.00.pq
      ├── part.01.pq
      ├── part.02.pq
      └── part.03.pq

This corresponds to the following dataframe structure:


This pattern generalizes very well when you start collecting data from multiple sources and with enough content that the entire dataset won’t comfortably fit into memory at once.

Blocks supports multiple data formats, including csv, hdf5, pickle, and parquet. Reads from these files are handled by pandas libraries, so they support all of the options you expect like headers, index columns, etc. All of the blocks interfaces below support passing keyword args to the read functions for the files (see the docstrings). The files can be local (referenced by normal paths) or on GCS (referenced by paths like gs://bucket).

Note that rgroups are combined by simple concatenation, and cgroups are combined by a “natural left join”: any shared columns are considered join keys. Key-based merging only makes sense with named columns, so make sure any CSVs you use have a column header if you want to join cgroups.



Assemble is the primary data reading command, and can handle any of the layouts above. You can select subsets of the data using glob patterns or the cgroups and rgroups arguments:

Layout Recipe
# or
blocks.assemble('data/', cgroups=['g1'])
# or
blocks.assemble('data/', rgroups=['part.01.pq'])
blocks.assemble('data/*/part.01.pq', cgroups=['g0', 'g1', 'g3'])
# or
    cgroups=['g0', 'g1', 'g3']


Blocks also has an iterative option for performing operations on each of the blocks without loading them all into memory at once:

import blocks

for cgroup, rgroup, df in blocks.iterate('data/'):

iterate supports the same syntax and features as assemble above, but instead of returning a merged dataframe, it returns an iterator of (rgroup, cgroup, dataframe) where the rgroup and cgroup are the names of the groups ('g0' and 'part.00.pq' from above).

iterate can also operate on multiple axes - the default is to iterate over every block separately. But if you specify axis=0, then iterate will combine cgroups and iterate over rgroups, and for axis=1 it will iterate over the cgroups while combining any rgroups.

Direction Recipe
# iterate over one dataframe per rgroup
for rgroup, df in  blocks.iterate('gs://path/to/data', axis=0):
# iterate over one dataframe per cgroup
for cgroup, df in  blocks.iterate('gs://path/to/data', axis=1):


Dask provides a great interface to a partitioned dataframe, and you can use blocks’ simple syntax to build a dask.dataframe. Checkout the dask documentation for details on how to use the resulting object.

import blocks

# need to have separately installed dask
dask_df = blocks.partitioned('data/*/part_0[1-4].pq')




If you want to put a dataframe into a single file, use place:

import blocks

blocks.place(df, 'data/part_00.pq')
blocks.place(df, 'gs://mybucket/data/part_00.pq')

Like with assemble for a single file, this is easy in pandas, but blocks infers the file type and has support for cloud storage.


For paritioning your data, blocks also has a divide function. You’d use this to split up a single large dataframe in memory into many rgroups and/or cgroups on disk, to help with parallelizing analysis. By default the blocks are written as parquet files, but you can specify other extensions including .hdf5, .csv, and .pkl.

import blocks

# divide into just row groups
blocks.divide(df, 'data/', n_rgroup=3)
├── part_00.pq
├── part_01.pq
└── part_02.pq

Divide can also handle column groups:

# split into 10 rgroups and specific cgroups
cgroup_columns = {
    'g0': ['id', 'timestamp', 'metadata'],
    'g1': ['id', 'timestamp', 'feature0', 'feature1'],
    'g2': ['id', 'timestamp', 'feature2', 'feature3'],
    'g3': ['id', 'timestamp', 'feature4', 'feature5', 'feature6'],
blocks.divide(df, 'data/', 4, cgroup_columns=cgroup_columns)
─ data
  ├── g0
  │   ├── part.00.pq
  │   ├── part.01.pq
  │   ├── part.02.pq
  │   └── part.03.pq
  ├── g1
  │   ├── part.00.pq
  │   ├── part.01.pq
  │   ├── part.02.pq
  │   └── part.03.pq
  ├── g2
  │   ├── part.00.pq
  │   ├── part.01.pq
  │   ├── part.02.pq
  │   └── part.03.pq
  └── g3
      ├── part.00.pq
      ├── part.01.pq
      ├── part.02.pq
      └── part.03.pq