
blocks.core.assemble(path, cgroups=None, rgroups=None, read_args={}, cgroup_args={}, merge='inner', filesystem=<blocks.filesystem.GCSFileSystem object at 0x7ff7a4de5050>)[source]

Assemble multiple dataframe blocks into a single frame

Each file included in the path (or subdirs of that path) is combined into a single dataframe by first concatenating over row groups and then merging over cgroups. The merges are performed in the order of listed cgroups if provided, otherwise in alphabetic order. Files are opened by a method inferred from their extension

path : str

The glob-able path to all datafiles to assemble into a frame e.g. gs://example//, gs://example//part.0.pq, gs://example/c[1-2]/ See the README for a more detailed explanation

cgroups : list of str, optional

The list of cgroups (folder names) to include from the glob path

rgroups : list of str, optional

The list of rgroups (file names) to include from the glob path

read_args : optional

Any additional keyword args to pass to the read function

cgroup_args : {cgroup: kwargs}, optional

Any cgroup specific read arguments, where each key is the name of the cgroup and each value is a dictionary of keyword args

merge : one of ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘outer’, ‘inner’, default ‘inner’

The merge strategy to pass to pandas.merge

filesystem : blocks.filesystem.FileSystem or similar

A filesystem object that implements the blocks.FileSystem API

data : pd.DataFrame

The combined dataframe from all the blocks

blocks.core.divide(df, path, n_rgroup=1, rgroup_offset=0, cgroup_columns=None, extension='.pq', convert=False, filesystem=<blocks.filesystem.GCSFileSystem object at 0x7ff7a25efd50>, prefix=None, **write_args)[source]

Split a dataframe into rgroups/cgroups and save to disk

Note that this splitting does not preserve the original index, so make sure to have another column to track values

df : pd.DataFrame

The data to divide

path : str

Path to the directory (possibly on GCS) in which to place the columns

n_rgroup : int, default 1

The number of row groups to partition the data into The rgroups will have approximately equal sizes

rgroup_offset : int, default 0

The index to start from in the name of file parts e.g. If rgroup_offset=10 then the first file will be part_00010.pq

cgroup_columns : {cgroup: list of column names}

The column lists to form cgroups; if None, do not make cgroups Each key is the name of the cgroup, and each value is the list of columns to include To reassemble later make sure to include join keys for each cgroup

extension : str, default .pq

The file extension for the dataframe (file type inferred from this extension

convert : bool, default False

If true attempt to coerce types to numeric. This can avoid issues with ambiguous object columns but requires additional time

filesystem : blocks.filesystem.FileSystem or similar

A filesystem object that implements the blocks.FileSystem API

write_args : dict

Any additional args to pass to the write function

blocks.core.iterate(path, axis=-1, cgroups=None, rgroups=None, read_args={}, cgroup_args={}, merge='inner', filesystem=<blocks.filesystem.GCSFileSystem object at 0x7ff7a25efc90>)[source]

Iterate over dataframe blocks

Each file include in the path (or subdirs of that path) is opened as a dataframe and returned in a generator of (cname, rname, dataframe). Files are opened by a method inferred from their extension

path : str

The glob-able path to all datafiles to assemble into a frame e.g. gs://example//, gs://example//part.0.pq, gs://example/c[1-2]/ See the README for a more detailed explanation

axis : int, default -1

The axis to iterate along If -1 (the default), iterate over both columns and rows If 0, iterate over the rgroups, combining any cgroups If 1, iterate over the cgroups, combining any rgroups

cgroups : list of str, or {str: args} optional

The list of cgroups (folder names) to include from the glob path

rgroups : list of str, optional

The list of rgroups (file names) to include from the glob path

read_args : dict, optional

Any additional keyword args to pass to the read function

cgroup_args : {cgroup: kwargs}, optional

Any cgroup specific read arguments, where each key is the name of the cgroup and each value is a dictionary of keyword args

merge : one of ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘outer’, ‘inner’, default ‘inner’

The merge strategy to pass to pandas.merge, only used when axis=0

filesystem : blocks.filesystem.FileSystem or similar

A filesystem object that implements the blocks.FileSystem API

data : generator

A generator of (cname, rname, dataframe) for each collected path If axis=0, yields (rname, dataframe) If axis=1, yields (cname, dataframe)

blocks.core.partitioned(path, cgroups=None, rgroups=None, read_args={}, cgroup_args={}, merge='inner', filesystem=<blocks.filesystem.GCSFileSystem object at 0x7ff7a25efcd0>)[source]

Return a partitioned dask dataframe, where each partition is a row group

The results are the same as iterate with axis=0, except that it returns a dask dataframe instead of a generator. Note that this requires dask to be installed

path : str

The glob-able path to all datafiles to assemble into a frame e.g. gs://example//, gs://example//part.0.pq, gs://example/c[1-2]/ See the README for a more detailed explanation

cgroups : list of str, or {str: args} optional

The list of cgroups (folder names) to include from the glob path

rgroups : list of str, optional

The list of rgroups (file names) to include from the glob path

read_args : dict, optional

Any additional keyword args to pass to the read function

cgroup_args : {cgroup: kwargs}, optional

Any cgroup specific read arguments, where each key is the name of the cgroup and each value is a dictionary of keyword args

merge : one of ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘outer’, ‘inner’, default ‘inner’

The merge strategy to pass to pandas.merge, only used when axis=0

filesystem : blocks.filesystem.FileSystem or similar

A filesystem object that implements the blocks.FileSystem API

data : dask.dataframe

A dask dataframe partitioned by row groups, with all cgroups merged, path, filesystem=<blocks.filesystem.GCSFileSystem object at 0x7ff7a25efd10>, **write_args)[source]

Place a dataframe block onto the filesystem at the specified path

df : pd.DataFrame

The data to place

path : str

Path to the directory (possibly on GCS) in which to place the columns

write_args : dict

Any additional args to pass to the write function

filesystem : blocks.filesystem.FileSystem or similar

A filesystem object that implements the blocks.FileSystem API