Source code for blocks.filesystem.base

from typing import Union, Sequence, Tuple, List
from collections import defaultdict
from fsspec.core import split_protocol, get_filesystem_class, has_magic

[docs]class FileSystem: """Filesystem for manipulating files in the cloud This supports operations on local files and any other protocol supported by fsspec. This is a wrapper to fsspec which provides backwards compatibility for blocks filesystems and a simplified interface. Parameters ---------- storage_options: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]] Additional options passed to each filesystem for each protocol e.g. {'gs': {'project': 'example'}} to set the gs filesytem project to example """ def __init__(self, **storage_options): self.storage_options = defaultdict(dict) self.storage_options.update(storage_options) self.storage_options[None]["auto_mkdir"] = True self.filesystems = {} def _get_protocol_path(self, urlpath) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: if isinstance(urlpath, str): return split_protocol(urlpath) protocols, paths = zip(*map(split_protocol, urlpath)) assert ( len(set(protocols)) == 1 ), "Cannot mix file protocols in a single operation" return protocols[0], list(paths) def _get_filesystem(self, protocol): if protocol not in self.filesystems: self.filesystems[protocol] = get_filesystem_class(protocol)( **self.storage_options[protocol] ) return self.filesystems[protocol]
[docs] def ls(self, path: str) -> Sequence[str]: """List files correspond to path, including glob wildcards Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the file or directory to list; supports wildcards """ protocol, path = self._get_protocol_path(path) fs = self._get_filesystem(protocol) try: if has_magic(path): output = fs.glob(path) else: output = # TODO fix in base except FileNotFoundError: return [] except NotADirectoryError: return [path] if protocol is not None: output = ["://".join([protocol, path]) for path in output] return sorted(output)
[docs] def copy( self, sources: Union[str, Sequence[str]], dest: Union[str, Sequence[str]], recursive=False, ): """Copy the files in sources to dest Parameters ---------- sources : list of str The list of paths to copy dest : str The destination(s) for the copy of source(s) recursive : bool If true, recursively copy any directories """ if isinstance(sources, str): sources = [sources] protocol_source, sources = self._get_protocol_path(sources) protocol_dest, dest = self._get_protocol_path(dest) if protocol_source == protocol_dest: fs = self._get_filesystem(protocol_source) # Temporary workaround for a bug in gcsfs if protocol_source == "gs" and recursive: sources = fs.expand_path(sources, recursive=True) sources = ["gs://" + s for s in sources if not fs.isdir(s)] return self.copy(sources, "gs://" + dest, recursive=False) fs.copy(sources, dest, recursive=recursive) elif protocol_source is None: fs = self._get_filesystem(protocol_dest) fs.put(sources, dest, recursive=recursive) elif protocol_dest is None: fs = self._get_filesystem(protocol_source) fs.get(sources, dest, recursive=recursive) elif protocol_dest is not None and protocol_source is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot do direct copy between two different cloud filesystems" ) if protocol_dest == "gs": # Make sure we invalidate the gcsfs cache since we have added new files if isinstance(dest, str): fs.invalidate_cache(dest) else: for d in dest: fs.invalidate_cache(d)
[docs] def remove(self, paths: Union[str, List[str]], recursive: bool = False): """Remove the files at paths Parameters ---------- paths : list of str The paths to remove recursive : bool, default False If true, recursively remove any directories """ protocol, paths = self._get_protocol_path(paths) fs = self._get_filesystem(protocol) if protocol is None and not isinstance(paths, str): # TODO should local not just handle this? for path in paths: fs.rm(path, recursive=recursive) else: return fs.rm(paths, recursive=recursive)
[docs] def open(self, path: str, mode="rb", **kwargs): """Return a file-like object from the filesystem The resultant instance must function correctly in a context ``with`` block. Parameters ---------- path: str Target file mode: str like 'rb', 'w' See builtin ``open()`` kwargs: Forwarded to the filesystem implementation """ protocol, path = self._get_protocol_path(path) fs = self._get_filesystem(protocol) return, mode, **kwargs)
[docs] def isdir(self, path: str): """Check if the path is a directory""" protocol, path = self._get_protocol_path(path) fs = self._get_filesystem(protocol) return fs.isdir(path)
[docs] def mkdir(self, path: str): """Make directory at path""" protocol, path = self._get_protocol_path(path) fs = self._get_filesystem(protocol) return fs.mkdir(path)
# Aliases cp = copy rm = remove